I appreciaate your thoughts. I find animals much easier to deal with than humans. When helping a dog that is hurt. I usually get instant appreciation from them. When trying to help a human that is hurt. Some of them are not so appreciative. But I have to be positve and PC with them. Your willingness to share your knowledge with humans in an effort to help animals is admired and appreciated by many. And the animals can clearly sense you are on thier side. Your expression of your feelings that you will fight for animals the rest of your life. Is greatly appreciated.

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Such a sad situation regarding Cheena. I am continually disappointed and saddened by the human race.

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I was wondering what happened to the puppy that was recently traveling through SeaTac to a new family and was lost at the airport. I’m sure they were so scared and confused. Like we’ve heard so many times, “we don’t deserve dogs. “

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Absolutely heart rending to read this. Cheena so deserved to live and be with you. She was an exceptional dog.

As for the human race, there is no such thing. There are individual humans, to be judged one at a time. Some use their minds, some do not, preferring to follow rules put up by others. I agree, the humans who took Sheena and killed her were unthinking, both the animal control people and her owners. To kill her for interfering in your being beat up, is the action of ignorant bureaucrats following rules that allowed for no contextual evaluation of the situation. If they had been able to think and act on their reason, they may have reconsidered their rules. It takes a long time for individuals to reason consistently and in full context of all the facts. Animals are such an important part of that world, and most people severely underestimate animal intelligence.

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